Servers General purposes Galaxy server
Galaxy Prod 16.01
Obsolete !!
Galaxy Export
new main Galaxy server
Genotoul-Sigenae Galaxy servers
New Galaxy server is available, other will come soon
  • a general purposes server
  • On demand training servers with dedicated contents, which are reseted between two training sessions

Access to these servers is still restricted to people having an account on Genotoul Bioinfo plateform.
Account Request is available here
Training servers have local accounts and quota. These machines can be reserved and configured via Sigenae email support.

Our Galaxy servers use the Genoutoul Bioinfo HPC cluster to submit jobs. User's CPU and work storage quota will be used.
For Galaxy's data, a special storage volume is provided, with a quota of 250GB per user.


As mentioned in the Genotoul newsletter #36 old Galaxy server will still allow job submissioin until the end of 2021.
From 2022, only the recovery of datasets and histories will be possible, until spring 2022 when the server will be permanently shut down.
You MUST export your choosen histories from Galaxy Export server and the tools provided, read and follow the documentation.
For workflow exports, use the old Galaxy server to download the .ga file.
Documentation is available here
Remember you have a quota of 250G on the new Galaxy server,
and it could be the right moment to make some housework and import only things in progress.
Feel free to contact us if you need help with your exports/imports (some datasets need database updates to be correctly displayed or rerun, workflow export file .ga need to be modified before import in case of tools with new name/version on the new Galaxy server.

Tools on new Galaxy server will be installed on demand, the same goes for sequence databank indexes

Privacy Policy - Terms of service - Legal Notice

We apply the same rules as those on the Genotoul Bioinfo platform


Support is configured in Galaxy to send help requests to
You can use this email to reach us directly
For accounts problem contact Genotoul Bioinfo support first

  • 2022/01/21
    New history Export/Import procedure
    FROGS OTU filter tools corrected and functionnal agai
    Command line used for job processing now display in dataset information
  • 2022/01/20
    Number of CPU Increased in new Galaxy server to make it more responsive.
  • 2022/01/19
    The validity of our HTTPS certificate expired at the beginning of January.
    While waiting for the new one, access to our Galaxy services has been disrupted, or even impossible without accepting an incomprehensible message generated by your web browser, frightened by this certificate that has become invalid.
    The new certificate has been in place since this morning.
  • 2022/01/12
    Galaxy Export available to help/ease the export of your histories.
    For workflow export: still do that from the old Galaxy server. For history export: use the Galaxy Export server and the tools provided, read and follow the documentation
  • 2022/01/01
    Old Galaxy server is now only available for datasets/histories retrieval
  • 2021/11/25
    New Galaxy server up again, we can install new tools on demand
  • 2021/11/24
    Old Galaxy server is up again (not impacted by new cluster maintenance anymore)
    Slurm HPC cluster maintenance is done
    16:32 Checklist for new Galaxy server in progress, service soon available 18:30 Problem with job submission on dedicated Slurm partition, investigation in progress ...
  • 2021/11/19
    Remember: cluster maintenance from 22/11/2021 to 23/11/2021
    Galaxy services will be stopped on Saturday 11/20/2021
  • 2021/11/10
    Frogs 3.2.3 installed
    Nuclear Localization Sequence programs available
  • 2021/11/03
    Old Galaxy server will be available until end of 2021.
    Begining of 2022, no more computation will be possible on this server.
    It will be still available for few months to allow you to retrieve your data if needed (export of histories).
    You can to that by yourself, or we can do it via command line if you prefer.